Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Why Jesus Wept
The shortest verse in the Bible is John 11:35: “Jesus wept.” But for all its grammatical simplicity, it’s packed with unfathomable complexity.
Jesus wept after speaking with Lazarus’ grieving sisters, Martha and Mary, and seeing all the mourners. That seems natural enough.
Except that Jesus had come to Bethany to raise Lazarus from the dead. He knew that in a few short minutes all this weeping would turn to astonished joy, and then tearful laughter, and then worship.
So one would think that Jesus would be a confident, joyful calm in that storm of sorrow. But he was “greatly troubled” (John 11:33) and he wept. Why?
Compassion for the Suffering
One reason is simply the deep compassion that Jesus felt for those who were suffering. It is true that Jesus let Lazarus die. He delayed coming, and he did not speak healing from a distance like he did for the centurion’s servant (Matthew 8:13). His reasons were good and merciful and glorious. But this did not mean Jesus took the suffering it caused lightly. “For he does not willingly afflict or grieve the children of men” (Lamentations 3:33). Even though Jesus always chooses what will ultimately bring his Father the most glory (John 11:4)—and sometimes, as in Lazarus’ case, it requires affliction and grief—he does not take delight in the affliction and grief itself. No, Jesus is sympathetic (Hebrews 4:15). And as “the image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:15), in Jesus at the tomb of Lazarus we get a glimpse of how the Father feels over the affliction and grief his children experience.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
Vantage Point: Biblical Marriage & Prayer
In the words of Sir Winston Churchill: "Where does the family start? It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl—no superior alternative has yet been found."

Source: iStockphoto
Has marriage got a prayer? Not a rhetorical question in 2012!
Today Bible-defined marriage—and therefore family—suffers a greater attack than at any time in at least America's history. As I write this, traditional marriage has just been catapulted into a gigantic campaign issue in this year's U.S. presidential election.
Bible prophecy has always foretold divine punishment for America or any nation persisting in sexual immorality, especially at an institutional level. While gay marriage is considered by many to be a political issue, it is much broader—being in fact a moral andspiritual uissue. Sadly, its rise was only to be expected given society's plummet into godless thinking.
Ultimately, everything in human life comes down to two great questions: Does God exist? And do you believe in God and believe God?
(This article was originally printed in January, 2008)
“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet” (Rom . 1:26-27).
After reading a vast variety of emails, articles, news clips, etc., I feel strongly impressed by the Holy Spirit to address the very delicate and controversial issue of homosexuality, not only homosexuality as society knows it to be, but God’s Biblical standard concerning it. I do not wish to speak from standards of my own making here nor the ethical standards of our modern culture, but from the standards of a Holy God who has asked me to reach out to all who will hear Him concerning this very critical issue of our time. I hope to make it clear to you how the Lord feels about homosexuality and, as well, his Solution for this terrible sin .
I once heard a wise man say that while God is the greatest embodiment of Love which has ever existed or will ever exist, it is not love that makes Him God .
God is God because of His Power! He is God because of His Authority! He is All-Powerful, All-Mighty, and All-Knowing. Yes, God is Love, but love is not God.
The Love of god is holy. This presents a problem for a fallen, sinful creation. Mankind cannot receive the Love of God without willingly submitting to His Order and Authority by the Way of the Cross . The Sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, for the Redemption of our sins was God’s way of showing us that within His great Power was also great Love . But, the conditions inherent in this Way of the Cross must be met for a man to receive the Love of God on a personal basis — to receive Salvation . We must make Jesus both our Savior and our Lord . Therefore, the Way of the Cross requires a man to surrender lordship of his own life to God, and he must also agree with God that it is His Standards alone which constitute Holiness .
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Point of Wisdom: Pray With a Psalm in Your Heart
It can sometimes be hard to know what to talk about with God in prayer. Some Scripture-based counsel to a struggling individual can help you too.

He described himself to the pastor and me as a former hippie who had been off the drugs for several years. But he and his wife explained that the hallucinogens' effects were still badly slowing his mental processes. We could see that from our conversation.
My part was as a ministerial trainee participating in this pastoral visit with a young couple who had lived hard and wild during the hippie movement years of the 1960s. The man now loaded freight on ships in the Thames River near London. He had muscles for the work but wished that he still had the muscle in his mind.
She had many questions about the Bible and God's way, but one main question plagued his thoughts: " How do I pray? I can't think of much to say. " There were tears in his eyes. He really, truly wanted to know how to talk to God.
No Halfway Covenant
article by Frank Dunkle
If your parents are true Christians, does that make you one? Or is more required of you? This was an important question for the Puritans of early America. And it remains an important issue today.

Source: George Henry Boughton, Pilgrims Going to Church, 1867
Are you a true Christian? Do you need to join a church to be one? Does your parents' relationship with God make a difference in your own relationship with Him?
To explore this, let's first consider an interesting piece of early American history. In the mid-1600s, several ministers in New England held a special conference to discuss youth and the church. They developed a doctrine called the "Half-Way Covenant." We'll briefly examine this concept in addressing a vital issue for today.
Just what makes a person a true Christian? Are the children of true Christians automatically true Christians also—or is more required?
Puritans purify
To understand the Half-Way Covenant and why it matters to us, we need to know something about the Puritans. As Protestants in England, they were pleased that King Henry VIII had effectively separated England from the Roman Catholic Church in the 1500s. However, they believed that neither the king nor the Church of England did enough to remove unbiblical practices from their worship. They wanted to purify the church, which is why they were called "Puritans."
Some Puritans thought they needed to separate altogether from the religious authorities of England and the rest of Europe, so they came to America to settle New England. They were determined to study the Bible and to obey it fully. (Those who settled Plymouth Colony in 1620 were Separatists who later became known as the Pilgrims. The Puritans who arrived the next decade to found the Massachusetts Bay Colony and other settlements were not initially as inclined to Separatism, but they eventually moved in that direction.)
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Jesus Christ biography
Jesus Christ was born
in 2-6 BCE in Bethlehem, Judea. Little is known about his early life, but as a
young man, he founded Christianity, one of the world’s most influential
religions. His life is recorded in the New Testament, more a theological
document than a biography. According to Christians, Jesus is considered the
incarnation of God and his teachings an example for living a more spiritual
life. Christians believe he died for the sins of all people and rose from the
Most of Jesus’ life is told through the four
Gospels of the New Testament Bible, known as the Canonical gospels, written by
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These are not biographies in the modern sense but
accounts with allegorical intent. They are written to engender faith in Jesus
as the Messiah and the incarnation of God, who came to teach, suffer and die
for people’s sins.
Jesus was born between 2 and 6 BCE, in
Bethlehem, Judea. His mother, Mary, was a virgin who was betrothed to Joseph, a
carpenter. Christians believe Jesus was born through Immaculate Conception. His
lineage can be traced back to the house of David. According to the Gospel of
Matthew (2:1), Jesus was born during the reign of Herod the Great, who upon
hearing of his birth felt threatened and tried to kill Jesus by ordering all of
Bethlehem’s male children under age two to be killed. But Joseph was warned by
an angel and took Mary and the child to Egypt until Herod’s death, where upon
he brought the family back and settled in the town of Nazareth, in Galilee.
There is very little written about Jesus’
early life. The Gospel of Luke (2:41-52) recounts that a 12-year-old Jesus had
accompanied his parents on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and became separated. He
was found several days later in a temple, discussing affairs with some of
Jerusalem’s elders. Throughout the New Testament, there are trace references of
Jesus working as a carpenter while a young adult. It is believed that he began
his ministry at age 30 when he was baptized by John the Baptist, who upon
seeing Jesus, declared him the Son of God.
After baptism, Jesus went into the Judean
desert to fast and meditate for 40 days and nights. The Temptation of Christ is
chronicled in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke (known as the Synoptic
Gospels). The Devil appeared and tempted Jesus three times, once to turn stone
to bread, once to cast himself off a mountain where angels would save him, and
once to offer him all the kingdoms of the world. All three times, Jesus
rejected the Devil’s temptation and sent him off.
Yesu alibadilisha mwenendo wa historia
sehemu yoyote ulimwenguni. Ongea na watu wa dini yoyote. Haijalishi jinsi
walivyoshikilia tabaka za dini zao, kama wanajua chochote kuhusu historia,
watakubali kwamba hakujawahi kuwa na mtu kama Yesu wa Nazareti. Yeye ni mtu wa
ajabu mno kuliko watu wote wa enzi zote.
Yesu alibadilisha mwenendo wa historia. Hata tarehe kwenye gazeti lako la leo inathibitisha kwamba Yesu wa Nazareti aliishi ulimwenguni karibu miaka 2,000 iliyopita. Maandishi kwa Kiingereza "B.C." yanasimamia nyakati kabla ya kuzaliwa kwa Kristo; vilevile maandishi "A.D." yanasimamia nyakati baada ya kuzaliwa kwa Kristo.KUJA KWAKE KULITABIRIWA
Mamia ya miaka hata kabla ya Yesu kuzaliwa, maandiko yaonyesha wanabii wa Israeli wakitabiri kuja kwake. Agano la kale, lililoandikwa na watu wengi katika muda wa miaka 1,500, lina unabii zaidi ya 300 kuhusu kuja kwa Yesu. Yote yaliyotabiriwa yalitendeka, pamoja na kuzaliwa kwake kimiujiza, maisha yake matakatifu, kufa na kufufuka kwake.
Maisha aliyoishi Yesu, miujiza aliyotenda, maneno aliyosema, kufa kwake msalabani, kufufuka kwake, kupaa kwake mbinguni - yote yathibitisha kwamba yeye hakuwa mwanadamu peke yake bali alikuwa zaidi ya mwanadamu. Yesu alisema, "Mimi na Baba tu umoja" (Yohana 10:30), "Aliyeniona mimi amemwona Baba" (Yohana 14:9) na, "Mimi ndimi njia, na ukweli, na uzima; mtu haji kwa Baba, ila kwa njia ya mimi." (Yohana 14:6).
Tazama maisha na mvuto wa Yesu wa Nazareti, Mesiya, katika historia yote na utaona kwamba yeye na ujumbe wake huleta mabadiliko makubwa katika mataifa na maisha ya wanaume na wanawake. Popote mafunzo yake yalipoenea, utakatifu wa ndoa, haki na sauti ya wanawake imetiliwa maanani; shule na vyuo vikuu vimeanzishwa; sheria za kulinda watoto zimeandikwa; utumwa umeachishwa; na mabadiliko mengine mengi yamefanywa kwa manufaa ya wanadamu. Maisha ya watu binafsi yamebadilishwa kiajabu. Kwa mfano, Lew Wallace, jemedari aliyejulikana na mwandishi shupavu, alikana Mungu yupo. Kwa miaka miwili, Bw. Wallace alisoma kwenye maktaba zilizo bora sana kule Ulaya na Merikani, akitafuta habari ambazo zingeangamiza kabisa dini ya Kikristo. Alipokuwa akiandika sura ya pili ya kitabu hicho, alijikuta ghafla ameanguka magotini na kulia kwa Yesu akisema, "Bwana na Mungu wangu."
Kwa sababu ya ushuhuda usioweza kukanwa, hakuweza kuendelea kukana kwamba Yesu Kristo alikuwa mwana wa Mungu. Baadaye, Lew Wallace aliandika kitabu kilichoitwa "Ben Hur", moja wapo ya vitabu shwari vilivyo andikwa katika lugha ya Kiingereza kuhusu nyakati za Kristo.
Vile vile, marehemu C. S. Lewis, profesa wa chuo kikuu cha Oxford, alikana kwamba Kristo alikuwa pia Mungu kwa miaka mingi. Lakini, yeye pia, kwa hekima za ukarimu, alijinyenyekeza mbele za Yesu kama Mungu na Mwokozi baada ya kusoma ushahidi usio na pingamizi kwamba Yesu pia alikuwa Mungu .
Yesu wa Nazareti ni nani kwako? Maisha yako ya hapa duniani na pia ya uzima wa milele yatategemea jibu lako kwa swali hili.
Dini zote zingine zilianzishwa na wanadamu na zinategemea falsafa za kibinadamu, kanuni na pendekezo za tabia. Ondoa waanzilishi wa dini hizi kutoka idhini na tabaka za kuabudu, na machache sana yatabadilika. Lakini ondoa Yesu Kristo kutoka Ukristo na hakuna chochote kitakachobaki. Ukristo uliopendekezwa kwenye Biblia siyo falsafa ya maisha peke yake, wala siyo tabaka na njia za kimila za kuabudu. Msingi wa Ukristo wa kweli ni uhusiano wa kibinafsi na Mwokozi na Bwana aliyefufuka na anayeishi.
Yesu alibadilisha mwenendo wa historia. Hata tarehe kwenye gazeti lako la leo inathibitisha kwamba Yesu wa Nazareti aliishi ulimwenguni karibu miaka 2,000 iliyopita. Maandishi kwa Kiingereza "B.C." yanasimamia nyakati kabla ya kuzaliwa kwa Kristo; vilevile maandishi "A.D." yanasimamia nyakati baada ya kuzaliwa kwa Kristo.KUJA KWAKE KULITABIRIWA
Mamia ya miaka hata kabla ya Yesu kuzaliwa, maandiko yaonyesha wanabii wa Israeli wakitabiri kuja kwake. Agano la kale, lililoandikwa na watu wengi katika muda wa miaka 1,500, lina unabii zaidi ya 300 kuhusu kuja kwa Yesu. Yote yaliyotabiriwa yalitendeka, pamoja na kuzaliwa kwake kimiujiza, maisha yake matakatifu, kufa na kufufuka kwake.
Maisha aliyoishi Yesu, miujiza aliyotenda, maneno aliyosema, kufa kwake msalabani, kufufuka kwake, kupaa kwake mbinguni - yote yathibitisha kwamba yeye hakuwa mwanadamu peke yake bali alikuwa zaidi ya mwanadamu. Yesu alisema, "Mimi na Baba tu umoja" (Yohana 10:30), "Aliyeniona mimi amemwona Baba" (Yohana 14:9) na, "Mimi ndimi njia, na ukweli, na uzima; mtu haji kwa Baba, ila kwa njia ya mimi." (Yohana 14:6).
Tazama maisha na mvuto wa Yesu wa Nazareti, Mesiya, katika historia yote na utaona kwamba yeye na ujumbe wake huleta mabadiliko makubwa katika mataifa na maisha ya wanaume na wanawake. Popote mafunzo yake yalipoenea, utakatifu wa ndoa, haki na sauti ya wanawake imetiliwa maanani; shule na vyuo vikuu vimeanzishwa; sheria za kulinda watoto zimeandikwa; utumwa umeachishwa; na mabadiliko mengine mengi yamefanywa kwa manufaa ya wanadamu. Maisha ya watu binafsi yamebadilishwa kiajabu. Kwa mfano, Lew Wallace, jemedari aliyejulikana na mwandishi shupavu, alikana Mungu yupo. Kwa miaka miwili, Bw. Wallace alisoma kwenye maktaba zilizo bora sana kule Ulaya na Merikani, akitafuta habari ambazo zingeangamiza kabisa dini ya Kikristo. Alipokuwa akiandika sura ya pili ya kitabu hicho, alijikuta ghafla ameanguka magotini na kulia kwa Yesu akisema, "Bwana na Mungu wangu."
Kwa sababu ya ushuhuda usioweza kukanwa, hakuweza kuendelea kukana kwamba Yesu Kristo alikuwa mwana wa Mungu. Baadaye, Lew Wallace aliandika kitabu kilichoitwa "Ben Hur", moja wapo ya vitabu shwari vilivyo andikwa katika lugha ya Kiingereza kuhusu nyakati za Kristo.
Vile vile, marehemu C. S. Lewis, profesa wa chuo kikuu cha Oxford, alikana kwamba Kristo alikuwa pia Mungu kwa miaka mingi. Lakini, yeye pia, kwa hekima za ukarimu, alijinyenyekeza mbele za Yesu kama Mungu na Mwokozi baada ya kusoma ushahidi usio na pingamizi kwamba Yesu pia alikuwa Mungu .
Yesu wa Nazareti ni nani kwako? Maisha yako ya hapa duniani na pia ya uzima wa milele yatategemea jibu lako kwa swali hili.
Dini zote zingine zilianzishwa na wanadamu na zinategemea falsafa za kibinadamu, kanuni na pendekezo za tabia. Ondoa waanzilishi wa dini hizi kutoka idhini na tabaka za kuabudu, na machache sana yatabadilika. Lakini ondoa Yesu Kristo kutoka Ukristo na hakuna chochote kitakachobaki. Ukristo uliopendekezwa kwenye Biblia siyo falsafa ya maisha peke yake, wala siyo tabaka na njia za kimila za kuabudu. Msingi wa Ukristo wa kweli ni uhusiano wa kibinafsi na Mwokozi na Bwana aliyefufuka na anayeishi.
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