بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
The Hadith: "The Black Stone is the right hand of Allah on earth; whoever touches it or kisses it, it is as if he shakes hands with Allah and kisses His right hand."
"The Black Stone is the right hand of Allah on earth"1
The Hadith: "The Black Stone is the right hand of Allah on earth; whoever touches it or kisses it, it is as if he shakes hands with Allah and kisses His right hand."
"The Black Stone is the right hand of Allah on earth"1
Shaykh’ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) was asked about the words ascribed to Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam):
الحجر الأسود يمين الله في الأرض
"The Black Stone is the right hand of Allah on earth." (Tabarani, Mujam; Abu Ubayd, Musnad)
إني لأجد نفس الرحمن من جهة اليمن
"I feel the breath of the Merciful coming from Yemen." (Ahmad, Musnad)
الحجر الأسود يمين الله في الأرض، فمن صافحه وقبَّله فكأنما صافح الله وقبل يمينه
"The Black Stone is the right hand of Allah on earth; whoever touches it or kisses it, it is as if he shakes hands with Allah and kisses His right hand."

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