Saturday, August 5, 2017

FRANCE: Muslim woman who wore an Islamic bodybag into a swimming pool was charged a huge fine and kicked out

A Muslim supremacist woman who wore a full body-covering Islamic burqini to swim in a communal pool has reportedly been forced to pay a considerable fine for the costs of emptying the pool of water and the other guests, so the staff could thoroughly clean it after she was ordered to get out.

Independent (h/t John H)  The woman, named as Fadila, decided to go for a swim at the private residence renting with her family near Marseille in the south of France. But after she entered the water a member of staff allegedly told everyone else to leave the pool. The owner later called her husband and asked him to stop her from swimming for the remainder of their stay. 

He is also alleged to have told the couple that they must foot the €490 ($577) bill for the pool being emptied and cleaned and pay damages because it was out of use for two days.

The building’s syndicate also filed a report saying a woman wearing a burqa had entered the pool on 21 July and when someone asked her to get out she had refused.

Fadila told United Against Islamophobia in France (CCIF).“I was disappointed, shocked, wounded by the fact that someone could be so hypocritical and wicked because of a burkini.” The couple refused to pay the bill, but the owner allegedly deducted the fine from their credit card account.

Last summer, fines were imposed on women wearing burkinis in the southern French town of Cannes.

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