"The literal Arabic name of Muhammad's father was Abd-Allah. His uncle's name was Obied-Allah. These names reveal the personal devotion that Muhammad's pagan family had to the worship of Allah, the Moon god" (op.cit., Morey, p.51).
History proves conclusively that before Islam came into existence, the Sabbeans in Arabia worshipped the moon-god Allah who was married to the sun-goddess. We have also seen that it was a matter of common practice to use the name of the moon-god in personal names in Muhammad's tribe. That Allah was a pagan deity in pre-Islamic times is incontestable. And so we must ask ourselves the question: why was Muhammad's God named after a pagan deity in his own tribe?
It is an undeniable fact that an Allah idol was set up at the Kabah along with all the other idols of the time. The pagans prayed towards Mecca and the Kabah because that is where their gods were stationed. It made sense to them to face in the direction of their god and pray since that is where he was. Since the idol of their Moon god, Allah, was at Mecca, they prayed towards Mecca.
As we have seen, and as is acknowledged amongst all scholars of Middle Eastern religious history, the worship of the moon-god extended far beyond Allah-worship in Arabia. The entire fertile crescent was involved in moon-worship. The data falls neatly in place and we are able therefore to understand, in part, the early success Islam had amongst Arab groups that had traditionally worshipped Allak, the moon-god. We can also understand that the use of the crescent moon as the symbol of Islam, and which appears on dozens of flags of Islamic nations in Asia and Africa, and surmounts minerets and mosque roofs, is a throwback to the days when Allah was worshipped as the moon-god in Mecca.
Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh - Jesus says “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I AM", (John 13:13). "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father [God]” (John 14:9). “I and the Father [God] are one” (John 10:30).
Jesus is far more than God’s mere messenger. Jesus Christ is God’s one and only Son (John 3:16-18). Further, He is the Second Person of the Trinity, God incarnate—God Himself (John 1:1,14; 5:18). Jesus claimed to be both “the Lord” and “God”’
Jesus said, I am the resurrection and the life—"The whole power to restore, impart, and maintain life, resides in Me." (John 1:4; John 5:21).
No higher claim to supreme divinity than this grand saying can be conceived.
No higher claim to supreme divinity than this grand saying can be conceived.
The Quran says all Muslims shall definitely enter hell with no guarantee of coming out.
Quran says: All Muslims other than Jihadist have to do time in hell.
The only way to avoid hell and go straight to Paradise, is to kill and get killed in while doing Jihad.
Those Muslims who killed and got killed for Allah will avoid grave and hell-time altogether.
They will instantly go to paradise and start copulating with virgins they are taught.
They will also be allowed to nominate 70 of their near and dear ones for paradise.
Muslim men are allowed to marry and have sex with girls as young as 9 years old and are permitted one day marriages.
The Bible is not a self referencing book unlike the Quran. The Bible is a book about history, geography and events that can be tested from outside the Bible unlike the Quran, which is a self referencing book, what does that mean? How can you know the Quran is the word of God? Muhammad says so, how do you know that Muhammad is right? because the Quran says so, that's what you call by a self referencing authority - Dr. Ravi Zacharias.
Our Jesus Christ is their antichrist, our antichrist is their redeemer.
It is a satanic counterfeit that is in complete reverse.
It is a satanic counterfeit that is in complete reverse.
God in Arabic is Elah. Allah means Curse in Hebrew.
Even in light of our wretched sinful nature, God still loved us so much that He gave us a Redeemer - His Only Perfect Son - Jesus Christ.
Abraham's spiritual seed are all those, Jew or Gentile, who place their trust in Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah, as God's only way of salvation.
Before us are two books. The Holy Bible and the Quran. One is flawless and divine. It is the Bible. The other, the Quran, is error-ridden, the product of a self-styled prophet, who was no prophet at all. One encourages us to love our enemies; the other promotes conversion by force and Jihad - "holy war"
To all our Muslim Brothers and Sisters, find God Yahweh's Only Son, Jesus Christ before it's to late.

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