Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Cleric: Girls' Clothing is a "Gateway to Rape"…

Yemeni women attend the showing of a film in Sanaa March 3, 2014 about "child brides", which are quite common in the poverty-striken and tribal country of Yemen, where barely pubescent adolescent girls are forced into marriage, often to older men. It is estimated that 14 % of girls in Yemen under the age of 15 are forced into early marriages and 52% of girls before they turn 18, and frequently to much older husbands according to rights organisations. Mohammed Huwais/AFP/Getty Images.
In a post on his Facebook page, Yemeni Sheikh Abdullah al-Adini of the Islah Party created a post titled “Girls’ Clothes are the Gateway to Rape.” Adini’s post comes shortly after the tragic murder and rape of three year old Rana Al Matri that shook the city of Sana’a, Saudi-owned Al Arabiya reports.
The Islah party combines tribal influences along with those of the Yemeni Muslim Brotherhood and more radical Wahhabi groups. Because of these conflicting ideologies, the party faces deep internal divisions on key issues such as what is considered appropriate garb for women and girls.
In 2004, the U.S. Treasury Department designated one of the party’s prominent leaders, Abdul Majeed al-Zindani as a terrorist. The department described him as a “loyalist” and “spiritual advisor” to Osama Bin Laden. In the past, Zindani has “praised Hamas suicide bombers and called on his followers to donate money to assist the Palestinian people.”
After justifying the rapist’s actions, Adini alleged that “a lot of girls have been raped due to these clothes that appeal to a man’s animal instincts and desires,” citing that there has been “noticeable leniency when it comes to young girls’ clothes.”

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