Saturday, March 11, 2017

NEW YORK: Muslim supremacist troublemaker claims ‘Islamophobia’ and ‘racial profiling’ are why he was handcuffed when he refused to allow his bag to be checked before boarding Staten Island Ferry

A perpetual Muslim shit-stirrer on Staten Island claims he was placed in handcuffs, frisked and issued two summonses by the NYPD officers based on the way he looks. Hesham El-Meligy, a Muslim who was born in Egypt, was temporarily detained and searched by police at about 8 a.m. Wednesday at the Staten Island Ferry terminal in St. George, after he refused a random bag check. 

FYI: Hesham El-Meligy (below), who has a history of Islamophobia-phobia activism, said he believed there was “apparent racism” (What ‘race’ is Islam?) on the part of Rye Playland officials in administering the rules against Muslim women wearing Islamic supremacist headbags on rides. (No, it is a safety rule)

Staten Island Advance  (h/t PJ Media) After a search of his backpack, he was issued summonses for trespassing and disorderly conduct and allowed on to the ferry, police said Thursday.

He took to Facebook hours after the incident, saying he felt singled out because his Egyptian heritage. “I have no doubt that many (people) are in fact stopped randomly, but the manner this was done in my particular case made it feel different,” said El-Meligy.

He said there were at least five people in front of him carrying purses and backpacks when an NYPD officer walked in to the crowd, extended his arm and ordered him to a table for a bag search. “I said ‘no thank you,’ said El-Meligy. “He replied that he’s not asking me, but telling me, and I replied again, ‘no, thank you.'”

But at least one eyewitness to El-Meligy’s detention disputes his account:

No doubt the thought of being sniffed by a dog sent this Muslim jihadi wannabe over the edge.

The NYPD denies that El-Meligy was singled out.  A spokeswoman for the NYPD said there’s no set guidelines as to which passengers are selected, such as every fifth or tenth person. “There’s no science to it,” said Det. Kellyann Ort. “It’s like flipping a coin.”

She said El-Meligy was not personally selected. “Many other people had their bags checked during that same time frame.”

But El-Meligy argued police were in violation of the Fourth Amendment. I was recently on the Staten Island Ferry, and signs in both the St. George and Whitehall terminals state clearly that by riding passengers consent to bag searches. Except if you’re Hesham El-Meligy, apparently.

Even the Staten Island Ferry website spells out the bag search in the terms of service:

Random searches of bags in the New York City subways, commuter railways and on buses were first enacted in 2005, under Mayor Michael Bloomberg as officials expressed alarm about the latest bomb incidents in the London transit system, according to a New York Times report.

Always the troublemaker, Hesham El-Meligy (below)of the Arab Muslim American Federation, protested the rejection of proposal to convert a convent into mosque on Staten Island and claimed: ” “There is a sense of sadness because people are so much misinformed in their opposition,” he said. “You would think we’re in Nazi Germany and Muslims are Jews. (Gee, if only that were true) I mean people are claiming so much nonsense. I know myself and I know Muslims. I don’t know where they get this information. Why don’t they ask a Muslim?”

Ferry riders have long been subject to screening before they board the boat, as signs posted at both the St. George and the Whitehall terminals indicate.

Not surprisingly, El-Megily said Thursday he was in the process of seeking legal counsel.

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