Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Arab Muslim hears Jesus' voice and accepts Him!

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“I know Jesus loves me and was crucified for me to give me eternal life. 
So I too love Him and accepted Him as my personal savior and Lord.”
—new Arab Christian, Al-Thoufeeqi*
Al-Thoufeeqi*, 26, was born into and brought up in an Arab Muslim family of the Middle East. He shared his testimony in an underground church of Bibles for Mideast during a recent time of prayer and fasting. 
 “I was a strong Muslim, part of a strong Muslim family. I practiced Islam faithfully, doing Namaz [prayer and worship five times a day—Ed.], reading the Qur’an, fasting during the month of Ramadan, giving Zakat[compulsory giving of a set proportion of one's wealth to charity—Ed.], and I went to Mecca for the Hajj. But none of these increased my spirituality, or gave joy or peace to my inner being.
"Though I believed I was practicing Islam correctly, I also drank alcohol with my friends, smoked cigarettes, and had illicit relationships with women. Let me say frankly that many of my friends (even older people) in the Middle East and Africa do the same.
"But this made me disappointed. I felt ugly and full of sin. Also I felt all the world is heavy with sin and corruption. I became depressed.
"Once, while driving my car, I happened to see a Christian channel on my car TV. I heard a pastor talking about Jesus as the Lord and Savior. I had known Christ to be a prophet and a good man [as all Muslims believe—Ed.],so I thought the pastor was preaching the wrong message and leading people astray. This made me really angry.
"But it also led me into deep thought. While I believed I was doing my best for God, there was no relationship between Him and me. I started feeling there must be something wrong in it all.
"So I tried to listen to the Gospel whenever I could. And one thing that really struck me was that God wanted to be my friend and is interested in the details of my daily life, just like a father and his son. I became eager to get a Bible. Then the Lord Jesus miraculously led a team of Bibles for Mideast to me and they gave me one!
"‘Please God,’ I prayed,  ‘just show me which way is true, the Qur’an or the Bible.’
“Something unusual happened that night.
“I went to sleep and I heard a voice wake me up and call my name. ‘I'm coming back soon. Go and tell others,’ the voice said.
“I woke up and looked around. No one was in the room, so I went to sleep again. The same thing happened three times that night. The last time I heard a huge voice, shaking the room, and I woke up. I was scared and felt for the first time the presence of the Lord on me. It was very majestic and fearful, yet very sacred and solemn. I saw a huge light in the room, which I couldn't look at, and the voice told me again, ‘I am Jesus.  I'm coming back soon for my Bride; go and tell others.’
“When I accepted that, I said, ‘Amen.’  Because of that meeting with the real, living God, my life changed once and for all. I became someone else. I found in my heart joy, peace, and extraordinary love for people. Everything changed.”
Ibrahim Abdullah, a former Muslim of West Africa, tells his own conversion experience, similar to Al-Thoufeeqi’s. Please pray for both men and the work they do for the Kingdom of Christ.
Emad Al-Abdy, a Muslim in Saudi Arabia, converted to Christianity. Kuwaiti royal prince Abdullah al Saba declared his faith in Jesus Christ. Thousands upon thousands now believe in Jesus Christ throughout the Middle East and are thirsty for the Word of God. Al-Thoufeeqi is now an active evangelist with Bibles for Mideast.
We are a mostly underground ministry with many volunteer evangelists and pastors, distributing Bibles and establishing house churches in the Middle East and surrounding areas. We pray to our Lord to supply enough Bibles. If you feel led to support our work,  please click here: BLESSING Bibles for Mideast. Most importantly, we appreciate your prayer support!
*Name changed for security reasons

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