Tuesday, November 22, 2016

ISRAELI bill seeks to end the extreme noise pollution of the Muslim Call to Prayer

makeitstop-225x300A bill aimed at banning mosques from broadcasting the Muslim supremacist call to prayer over loudspeakers has been slammed as “an attempt to erase the religion.” (One can only hope!)

UK Express (h/t Terry D) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims the bill is not intended to suppress Islam, but aims to protect citizens from the loud and offensive noise disturbance of the call to prayer which awakens people as early as 5AM and continues five times a day. It’s a form of cruelty to animals, too as you can see by this Israeli German Shepherd’s reaction in Jerusalem (below) to the prayer noise.

Coalition parties are expected to back the legislation, which would ban the prayer call from being broadcast at night and early morning. Moni Aloleimi, 44, a Muslim originally from Jordan now living in Jaffa, Israel, described the bill as “an attempt to erase the religion”.

He added: “People can’t accept this. If there is no call to prayer, there is no prayer. And if there is no prayer, there is no religion.” (That’s the idea!)


Mr Aloleimi, who runs a manpower company, said the prayer call, which is broadcast five times a day and dates back to the time of the prophet Muhammed, is required to “rouse and remind people that there is a god and to not do evil deeds.”  He warned that if the law goes through, “there will be an explosion and it will end very badly.”

He added: “You don’t infringe on the religion of an Arab. It starts with this and then they will take other steps like telling us we don’t need 20 mosques, that five is enough.”(How about none?)

Amjab Rasas, 40, from Jerusalem, claimed he would flout the ban if it goes ahead, by attaching loudspeakers to his house. He added: “I’ve been hearing the call to prayer from al-Aksa mosque all my life. How can they stop it? I hear the Shabbat siren on Fridays, and there’s no problem with it. (That’s once a week at sundown, NOT everyday at dawn through dusk)

“Why should people be disturbed by the call to prayer? Whoever doesn’t want to hear it, can leave. The call to prayer was here before the Jews came.”(CRAP. Jews were in Israel before there ever was an Islam)

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